Sinclair Micro FM tuner 1966

This advert (full page) was taken from Wireless World an 1966 issue and I don't think they sold very well as all FM stations at that time were BBC and also found on the AM bands, Radio One even wasn't on FM until the 1970's. I think micro referred to it being microscopic in size and not being in possession of computer technology, lol So it's probably one of the rarest to find these days, the cost was fairly low at just under £6, but it was a kit box of bits, and you know what a nightmare they can be, the AM version was more popular and I remember a few guys at collage having one.
Circuit for personal FM radio

I did later buy a buy a Micromatic, all ready built, to add to my collection, the neat thing was that it  fitted into a matchbox but American had already done that, and there version had a speaker. As early as 1964 Sinclair had produced a sort off pocket crystal set that is even rarer these days.

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